Showing posts with label San Mari from 7de laan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Mari from 7de laan. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Its been two years since EXPO WP officially closed its doors but that was certainly not the end of business for the 300 stalls holders who operated under one roof at the EXPO. No siree...., Quanita's hairdresser relocated and is running a thriving business, Photo Jani Photographic Studio relocated an is inundated with Wedding Photography inquiries, Miller's Corn the "Corn in a Cup" people relocated and diversified, Burger World relocated and expanded, in fact virtually everyone who ran a business from the EXPO relocated and are doing way better than they did whilst at the EXPO.

Miller's  cup corn or rather corn cups is one of the businesses that started out at EXPO Western Province and has subsequently adopted a new business model. Miller's corn in a cup made all there vendors mobile - a cart with  canopy. It is really an amazing idea almost as wonderful as their cups of corn. Corn is food for food lovers.  Have a look at the photograph below and your will see what i mean. The concept comes from Malaysia and the franchise company Nelson's is internationally renown for corn in a cup and is established in more than 15 counties.

Miller's Corn-in-a-Cup is an anytime, anywhere snack enjoyed at soccer, cricket or rugby. is situated in kapstadt and is run by Photo Jani photographic Studios who has taken hundreds of photographs of  the 7de laan celebs amongst which are fotos of San Mari aka Amalia Uys and Heino Schmitt in underwear but not pics of Altus de Bruyn naked.

Corn in a cup smothered in butter and a sprinkle of salt.

Below is a foto of Jani. She is the driving force and the expertise behind Photo Jani Photographic Studios and one of the foremost female Wedding Photographers in Cape Town.  She has taken photographs of more than four hundred and fifty Weddings over a 25 year period. Some of the Weddings may be viewed Here, Here and Here.

Jani of  Photo Jani Photographic Studios.

Jani's motto is "Every Bride needs a Woman's touch on her Wedding Day" and is contactable on the following details. Contact her for a quotation for both Video and still Photography.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Amalia Uys better known as San-Mari van Graan was also a regular visitor at EXPO  WP, as was  Freedom Hadebe better known as Mandla Khumalo both of them co-stars in the SABC2 soapie 7de Laan. Below are several gallo images of these stars and several other gallo images of the events at EXPO WP.

But the best gallo images at the expo are the frame by frame account of Altus de Bruyn getting undressed in public or rather taking off his clam digger shorts as well as removing his purple under-wear. All of which can be viewed below. He trades is traditional shorts for a kilt and is about to do a "Braveheart flash". However, there were many other activities and visiting celebrities at the expo amongst which are some ministers.

San -Mari and a fan.
Mandla and a fan
San Mari and her latest attire in hand,
still on a hanger gifted her by a trader.
San Mari unveiling the newest Lexus at EXPO WP.
San Mari standing on the stage behind the Spanish Salsa Band "Tica" at the Expo.
Elvis was seen at EXPO WP or at his "Double was seen" 
Alti received a token of appreciation from the organizers. 
Crowds of anxious onlookers enjoying the show.

Shake what you mama gave you.
Alti and the two Scotsmen with a motive.
Alti is gifted a camouflage kilt , but  is urged to try it on for size right away.
Scotsman helps Alti don the kilt over his clam diggers.
Alti is taking off his clam digger shorts.
Alti is just about out of his pants and has numerous onlookers.
Final adjustment to stop the kilt from falling down.
Alti quite proud of his new dress code.
"What take it all off?" Ok then  but no peeking.
A brave Alti removing his drawers, whats for it.....purple.
Ok  wait... while I'm trying to get the one foot out
Ok there,  its off .... happy now?
Much laughter at the purple garment.
So I'm naked under the kilt what now?
You have to do like "Brave heart" and flash at the onlookers.
Now you also have to dance like a Scotsman while I blow the bagpipes.
Altus de Bruyn dresses like a girl.

NB! All photographs are smaller, low resolution copies of original works which remain the property of Photojani Photographic Studios. None of these photographs may be downloaded without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Photojani Photgraphic Studios © 2012 - Ph 0847458258, email

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Some three weeks ago I heard the word ZUMBA for the first time. It was on a radio show where the instructors of the ZUMBA  class were interviewed, however I listened with half an ear. So just last week a friend had a ZUMBA  party for ladies only in order to raise funds for a touring rugby club. I was still unclear as to what this new hype was all about, then just two days ago the ladies at EXPO WP were all discussing ZUMBA in the food court when one of them, totally exited, related having seen a a double spread newspaper advert, promoting ZUMBA. She made the necessary enquiries, through consensus and took it upon herself to invite the ZUMBA team to EXPO WP for a demonstration.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP
On Sunday past, the Zumba team arrived, dressed in tight fitting sweats, some in lycra, some in stretch, all of them in black, yellow and neon pink. Even prior to their demo started, they looked impressive. Three of them stood on the raised platform provided, the others on the ground, then the music started. The penny dropped, Zumba was the new weight reduction, come fitness dance for everyone. Some thing like the Jane Fonda workout or the Billy Banks workout but without the workout, it was a dance.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP

Of the Zumba team, two dudettes were shaped like twiggy and two more were leaning towards the shape of Bessy Bunter but could they dance. In minutes they all broke a sweat but this was just a warm-up. Then the music restarted and wow, did they dance, the two dudes on stage made their bodies gyrate which looked like their stomachs were moving in circles between their throats and groin. Then they turned around and started shaking their buns at audience at high speed in sync with the music. The ladies roared with incitement and the men wowed at the dudettes buns.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP
Meanwhile so many ladies in the audience were mimicking the dancers in hand and body movements, in tempo with the music. Some of the ladies looked like they couldn't walk a mile but with the Zumba music playing and guidance from the zumba team, I think they all lost at least a kilo. The musica was a mix of pop and Spanish merengue which was just so inviting. Now that the demo was done and the interest in ZUMBA soared and I now even know what it is, classes will be held at EXPO WP on a regular basis. The first will be held at the EXPO WP night market starting this Tuesday night from 7pm until 10pm in preparation for the Soccer World Cup.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP
So all those ladies and gents who has lapsed your gym membership because gym seemed a good idea at the time but wasn't any fun, come over to EXPO WP and join in the ZUMBA classes because ZUMBA looks like double fun. Bring your sweats and towel and a bottle of water, cause you going to need it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Winter is fast approaching and gloomy days lie ahead but the weather this weekend was really great. Starting Friday, the indoor soccer tournament took off with a blast, with major impetus from two new sponsors. EXPO WP is destined to become "the destination" for indoor soccer leading up to the Soccer World Cup and beyond. It's needless to say that even though Capetonians are more laid-back than their northern cousins, but they are definitely more hyped up about the Soccer World Cup. Inside EXPO WP main hall and outside you can constantly hear the sounds of the vuvuselas being blown, at times it sounds like a vuvusela sound-off, with many shoppers strolling the isles, clothed in Bafana Bafana colours and I have even seen some with a plastic Soccer World Cup helmets on their heads.

Besides the indoor soccer, virtually every weekend is filled with entertainment, with numerous singers gracing the EXPO WP stage with melodious songs and music. Just last weekend, Gino and Kaashief from Tica the Salsa Band, blew everyone away with musica en Español but this Sunday it was Megan's turn, to wow the audience and she did a really good job at that. The applause was phenomenal which in my opinion was rightly deserved. Megan very closely mimicked Whitney's singing with the song she sang.

Megan in her element, capturing the moment on stage.

Megan is young, pretty and very talented, with a voice of an "angel". Ye' ye' you might say, what an exaggerated claim, but you don't have to take my word for it, lets rather just look at the facts since I'm not the only one of that opinion. Megan attended an audition and was unanimously selected by a panel of 5 judges to represent South Africa at the launch of the Soccer World Cup and to sing at the opening. She was selected as the solo finalist from amongst 77 participants, all of whom auditioned for the part, but Megan came out tops. What an achievement, no? Yep, now you have to agree with me about her "angelic" voice. Yes (airpunch)! Megan will be making regular visits to EXPO WP to entertain the crowd, so if you would like to hear an angel sing, do come along to EXPO WP every weekend. Should you see her on National Television then at least you can say that you already heard and saw her before at EXPO WP. Megan is going to be a sensation but even before she becomes famous, many a fan has already requested to have a photo taken with her.

Megan posing with her fans.
Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at Expo WP

Megan posing with friends.
Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at Expo WP

Another singer who entertained the crowd at EXPO WP was young Cole. He is ten years old, sings like an adult with the moves of Michael Jackson and the songs to match. The first time I heard him, was when he sang "Ben" and he really did justice to the song. Apparently he sings numerous songs from various eras and Cole is a real joy to listen to. I've even heard a "lady at the EXPO" exclaiming "I want to take him home with me". That certainly has the makings of fame!

With all this excitement in the exhibition area, there was a Kareoke taking place in the food court, whilst shoppers were eating at their tables. Everyone was thrilled, and many a shopper part-took in the singing. EXPO WP really has it all, from GOOD FOOD to entertainment, to clothing, to photographs, to art, to curios and much, much more.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

TOURISM & TRADERS EXPO | Tourism & Traders Expo

Tourism and Traders Expo is situated in Bofors Circle in Epping and is the Largest Art and Craft market in the Western Province called EXPO WP.  EXPO WP is a brand name but when I set up this blog, I registered it as WP EXPO, which from my point of view was contextually as well as grammatically correct. However after chatting the WP EXPO management I was informed that it should have been EXPO WP and not WP EXPO. Funny thing is, many of the WP EXPO vendors logged-on and search for WP EXPO, expecting to see their profiles but complained that there was no such site as WP EXPO. It seemed that everybody was under the same impression that I was -that it is WP EXPO rather than EXPO WP or at least aught to be. In order to appease management it became obligatory on me to rectify this situation hence this short piece of confusion about WP EXPO, sorry I meant EXPO WP. So there!

 As far as I'm concerned whether it is said WP EXPO or EXPO WP or written as WPEXPO or EXPO WP or even EXPO WP it shouldn't really matter because ingenious software tools can rectify the situation by sending the seeker to the correct website. So, if you interested in Art and Craft and possibly even the Soccer World Cup, go-on, Google WP EXPO and see if software is as intelligent as us humans. Talking about World Cup Soccer, Blush Media at EXPO WP  is the official supplier of Soccer World Cup parapanalia - S.A. Flags, S.A.Vuveselas, Funky helmets, T shirts, Ceramic mugs and hoards of other South African momentos.

Western Provice Expo (wpexpo) or Expo Western Province (expowp) which do you prefer?
Photojani Photographic Studios opened a studio in Expo WP and may be contacted on 0847458258.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


EXPO WP situated in Bofors Circle Epping in Cape Town South Africa has geared up to provide foreign tourists an amaizing treat. The Arts and Craft Market is huge, and indoor soccer is on the cards and various vendors has some really unique offerings, just one of which is photography. Photojani Photographic Studio is "The Photography Studio" at the EXPO WP, some people even call it  the Photojenic Studio, which I'm sure is also OK by Jani. Photojani will have life-size cutouts of soccer star, next to whom you can stand and have a photo taken of yourself embrassing your favotite soccer star. This will certainly be a hit during the Soccer World Cup and Jani will be the Photographer in attendance.

Altus of  the soapie "Sevende Laan" standing with the satff of EXPO WP.

She provides Professional service using both Professional Digital Photographic equipmment and Film based equipmment along with softboxes, umbrella flashes and Photoshop for masks and composites. She specialized in Wedding Photography and is  also the Official Photographer to the Greek Embasy in Cape Town with Greeks coming from as far as Outdshoorn and Knysna to have their pics take by her for their passports.

Jani is one of the few female wedding photographer in a male dominated profession and  has more than 25 years of photographic experience. This experience is protrayed by the fact that she is the official photographer at EXPO WP, having taken 100's of photos of shoppers pozeing with celibrities who have recently visited the EXPO WP. She was also commissioned to photograph all three SA presidents since the demise of apartheid, several  portraits of "Madiba" Nelson Kolithlathla Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Khalema Motlantle and Jacob Zuma along with various other politicians far too numerous to mention.

For these new borns, bring them along and capture the moment for prosterity or have enlargments made and framed by her Proffessional Framing Service. Mom's you owe it to yourself to visit Jani's Photographic Studio if just to browes through the albums of other babies in the lime light. On display to view are numerous Wedding Albums for those who intend to get married along with a video mmonitor playing  highlights of some weddings. For those wanting to get into Movies and or Television commercials, Jani does portfolios and supplies you with the contact details of casting agencies who require your services.

Photojani stocks a full range of official paraphanalia amongst which are, Drivers Licence Application forms, Identity Documents applications forms and Passport application forms, for those persons  too busy to get to the official offices to get them. Essentially she provides a "One Stop Photographic Shop." She also shoots 21st parties, kids birthday parties, company events and even private lingere cover girl shoots  for the sexy ladies by appointment,  so don't forget to bring bring your sexy Lingere - Thongs, Camisoles, Bras and Basques.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Starting your own business is not easy, or rather it certainly isn't as easy as most people think it is. So, herewith, I pay homage and I salute as well as  take my hat off to a few women whom I've recently met at EXPO WP who each run their own businesses. A short collectively description of them would be,  go-getters, entrepeneurs, sole providers, mothers, wives, girlfriends and business women all of whom are doing it for themselves. They are extremely creative, very determined, highly motivated, filed with commitment, all wanting to make a difference in their lives and those of their loved ones.

Amongst them are Sumaya  and  Elizabeth both talented fashion  clothing designers each sporting their own label with highly fashionable clothing for that exclusive lady shopper wanting to look different or unique. Sumaya isn't just a fashion designer but also a maths genius who provide maths classes to school kids in the boardroom of EXPO WP by appointment

Then there is Najma, Siyaam, Nancy and Shima all four of them excellent cooks, each having their own food store, each with delectable menus appealing to different tastes, and together they feed the EXPO WP's rainbow nation.  Fatima, Antionette, and Mrs Langevelt each have their own stalls as well, a hairdresser, a bookshop and a biltong stand respectively, each one of them a vibrant business woman on the move, each with an attitude that will make a difference. Micarla, Claudia, Rhazia, Kay, Sadia, Belinda and Ruwadi  are all therapists, some in beauty, some practicing alternative healing therapies and holistic healing, each with their own parlor providing a service to those who are ailed and in want of beauty, relaxation and calm. They provide services from head to toe -Indian head massage to Reflexology and other treatments far too numerous to mention. Treatments are not exclusively for women.

Ghalema and Jani are relatively unique, Ghalema is an artist and Jani is a photographer, she is one of the few female wedding photographer in a male dominated profession. She has more than 25 years of photographic experience and has her own studio at EXPO WP. Essentially she is the official photographer at EXPO WP, having taken 100's of photos of shoppers poseing with celebrities who have recently visited the EXPO WP. She was commissioned to photograph all three SA presidents since the demise of apartheid and on show in her studio, there are several  portraits of "Madiba" Nelson Golithlathla Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Kalima Motlantle and Jacob Zuma. She has also photographed numerous other politicians whose names I can't even remember neither pronounce. I have also watched Ghalema work, all original creations within record time using both water based or oil paints. You can commissions your own original painting from her, alternatively take art classes with her right at the EXPO WP.

Then there is Carla, Venice, Joy, Edwina, Farida, Sara, Armiena, Ina, Nadia, Viola, Cynthia, Sarah, Gawa, Nadia, Zubeida, Tsitsi, Dudu, Shaheeda, Muneeba, Nandiepah, Mariam, Wisaal, Sharon, Ruwayda, Luccille, Lyne, Shagoofa, Cine, Desre, Laeekah and Grace all of them business women. Their names may not mean much to you but they are amongst the "Ladies that makes EXPO WP tick". They are all set to provide each tourists with a pleasant shopping experience during the Soccer World Cup, from curios to souvenirs to food, shoes and clothing, artifacts, paintings and craft and many many items far too numerous to mention.  They are responsible for the buzz, the atmosphere, the deals, they ply their trade especially for you, so it's within your interest to come meet with them, commission them, trade with them, do business with them, buy their wares,  interact with them, eat from them, get to know them and perhaps you will develop the mindset to start your own business. Your first step to starting your own business is to come to the  EXPO, the ladies are awaiting! After all, starting your own business may just be as easy as you thought it is.

Friday, March 26, 2010



As I have mentioned before, EXPO WP is currently the largest indoor/undercover market with more than 300 stalls, located in the entire Western Cape and there are just 4 days to go before its official opening. The planning thus far has been major and the advertising substancial, with some really large live entertainment events on the cards, staggered across the entire Easter Weekend. Thus far, every event hosted at EXPO WP was a hit, really attracting large crowds who invariable spent there entire day there, engrossed in the happenings of the day.

However, others seems to have had no idea where EXPO WP is, so if you were among them, I am here to help you get there. Some how, certain people were under the miss information that the EXPO WP is behind Grand West Casino, but that's not exactly true. Admittedly its not too far from GW but certainly not near enough to qualify as an exclusive landmark. Speaking about landmarks most men or rather males will identify with a motor spares yard when mentioned, so if you guys have any idea where Bonerts Motor spares in Bofors Circle Epping is, EXPO WP is just 300 meters further away in the same road. The ladies I'm certain would more readily indentify with Epping Fire station situated on the opposite side of the road away from Bonerts, hence away from the EXPO... so ladies please drive in the other direction, with the old Epping Fresh Produce Market behind you. Essentially away from Pinelands.

Perhaps I'm adding to the confusion, so lets make this really easy. Just get out your latest technological toy -the GPS, punch in 33°55'38.0964" South, 18°33'1.7382" East an viola, you'll drive straight into the parking-lot of the EXPO WP. For those technological challenged people and those who don't have a GPS, you can find EXPO WP on a map, just locate Lat:33.927249 and Long:18.550483 and you'll also be there in double quick time. For everyone ells that's not as smart, myself included, please consult this road map, meaning the first map which is immediately below. Locate  Showground Avenue, its the "service road" behind Grand West Casino.  I painted that road RED for your benefit, observe that  it points towards a RED rectangle, and that's exactly where EXPO WP is located. So technically EXPO WP is on the right side of GW when you facing it and not behind as some people were led to believe.


 Below is another Map with an aerial view, soley for those arriving by plane, so have a good look at where EXPO WP is, yes its exactly on the spot where the RED A is, so now you have no excuse not to be at EXPO WP this Easter.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Expo Western Province is undoubtedly the largest indoor "fleamarket" in the entire Western Cape. It is essentially a foreign tourist attraction, where they can view, touch and buy African Art & Craft daily at their convenience. It is definitely going to be the place where tourist come to buy their gifts and artifacts to take back home to their respective countries after the Soccer World Cup event in Cape Town. However, EXPO WP is NOT exclusively for tourists and from what I have already seen this past Sunday, its the place where the locals will hang out. There's a huge Halal Food Court, with Burger World catering for the masses and there's a Fish and Chips vendor and a Chicken Joint as well as a Corn-in-a-Cup vendor, among numerous other food vendors, there's a kiddies games area, as well as a mobile stage for live entertainment and free parking galore and more than 300 stalls to buy from, with product just too numerous to mention.

Sunday past, the 14th March has just seen the opening of the EXPO WP, it wasn't the official opening but rather an opportunity for vendors and potential vendors to witness the business attraction of 300 stalls under 1 roof. The official launch however will take place coming Easter Weekend - the 1st-5th April. Considering the hoards of people that attended the unofficial opening, its more than obvious that the official opening is going to be a blast, with music, singing and dancing and food and kiddies rides and a sound stage exhibiting local talent. Its going to be a "WOW moment" for everyone present with FUN, FUN, and more FUN.

Inside, there is a Photgraphic Studio -PhotoJani, for ID, Passport and Driver License photos, Wedding Photographs and DVD's, Picture Framing and a host of other services far too numerous to mention. There are car sound system vendors for that BOOM-BOX in your car and Estate agents and Costume Jewelry stalls, Clothing stalls, Crockery stalls, Cutlery stalls, Bedding stalls, and Curtains stalls, etc... You name it, its there!

The beauty of the EXPO WP concept is that vendors no longer have to pack-up their goods daily after trading, as they did whilst on the outdoor fleamarkets but rather just close up their stalls with a mesh door whilst still allowing shoppers the opportunity of continual window shopping. EXPO WP is the informal traders dream, with rentals so affordable, it could actually be less than their monthly personal transport cost of carting their goods to and from their trading sites. EXPO WP even has a lift clubs for its vendors to and from the EXPO. EXPO WP is situated at 131 Bofors Circle Epping inside the old Stuttaford Van Lines Building. There are a limited amount of stalls still available for those who want to be part of this event, so HURRY, HURRY, HURRY. And it would be so cool to see all of you there!