Showing posts with label lunch at EXPO WP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lunch at EXPO WP. Show all posts

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Expo WP is the largest indoor tourist, craft and traders market in the Western Cape and this past Tuesday night, launched its first real night market since it's inception at Easter, hosting a turnout of close to 10 000 people. This enormous turnout was the consequence of radio advertising, promoting "The Drift Squad" as well as "Show Cars" fitted with impressive audio systems, some with impressive air brushed spray jobs and some with impressive engine modifications. Alongside these beauties, inside the micro expo hall, there were some super-bikes and a whole fleet of supped-up cars, featuring mag wheels, tail-fins, scoops, interior trim and amazing tattoo-like murals as well as lowered suspensions, tinted windows and race pedals and gear shift. It was very evident that the micro hall could not accommodate all the show cars and many of them lined-up outside under the floodlights in the parking area.

Inside the macro hall virtually every expo vendor was dressed in soccer fan gear, each in the colours of their favoured team. Each of the 250 stalls also had a flag attached to a post at its entrance which waved in the breeze blowing through the corridors,  making for a very colourful sight.  Vuvuselas, leg warmers, sleeve covers and car mirror covers in the colours of the South African Flag were seen all over. People were buying them, vendors were selling them, others were wearing them and it just seemed that everyone had them. Every vendors were retailing these products at give away prices in order to boost the Soccer World Cup excitement. Everyone leaving the Expo WP premises looked like they were already ready for the Soccer World Cup.

The 100's of motor cycles and its owners in their leather riding gear looked very impressive with quite a few of them revving  their bike's  engines competing in sound with the revving engines the of drifting cars. This all happened in an arena set aside, especially constructed with tyres surrounding its circumference for the purpose of drifting. Ten cars were drifting all of which attracted enormous attention, but there was a female driver who wowed the audience with her antics. Cell phone flashlights were triggering all over and many even captured the performing cars on cell phone video. The smell of the cars fumes, the burning tyres, the boerewors rolls, the smell of tikka chicken and cigarette smoke  was more than enough to make you high, but for many this wasn't enough and lined up at the pub come  art gallery to get at the beers and hard liquor.

There was hardly any space to move about,  the main hall aisles, the minor halls, the food-court and the parking area were filled with people resulting in a line of people at the entrance snaking around the side of the building. Consequently people were only allowed entry when an equivalent amount of people left the premises. Outside in the street there was major traffic congestion with cars parked in every conceivable parking space. Inside the spit level hall, there was a scaletrix display and a Zumba demonstration which lasted until the early hours of the morning. Expo WP is all about soccer and there are indoor soccer tournaments every weekend. There are curios and gifts for tourists to take home ranging from stone and wood carvings of the big five to life size African warriors. Tonight was just a sampling of what can be expected at the Soccer World Cup in the days to come. Viva Bafana Bafana!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Some three weeks ago I heard the word ZUMBA for the first time. It was on a radio show where the instructors of the ZUMBA  class were interviewed, however I listened with half an ear. So just last week a friend had a ZUMBA  party for ladies only in order to raise funds for a touring rugby club. I was still unclear as to what this new hype was all about, then just two days ago the ladies at EXPO WP were all discussing ZUMBA in the food court when one of them, totally exited, related having seen a a double spread newspaper advert, promoting ZUMBA. She made the necessary enquiries, through consensus and took it upon herself to invite the ZUMBA team to EXPO WP for a demonstration.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP
On Sunday past, the Zumba team arrived, dressed in tight fitting sweats, some in lycra, some in stretch, all of them in black, yellow and neon pink. Even prior to their demo started, they looked impressive. Three of them stood on the raised platform provided, the others on the ground, then the music started. The penny dropped, Zumba was the new weight reduction, come fitness dance for everyone. Some thing like the Jane Fonda workout or the Billy Banks workout but without the workout, it was a dance.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP

Of the Zumba team, two dudettes were shaped like twiggy and two more were leaning towards the shape of Bessy Bunter but could they dance. In minutes they all broke a sweat but this was just a warm-up. Then the music restarted and wow, did they dance, the two dudes on stage made their bodies gyrate which looked like their stomachs were moving in circles between their throats and groin. Then they turned around and started shaking their buns at audience at high speed in sync with the music. The ladies roared with incitement and the men wowed at the dudettes buns.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP
Meanwhile so many ladies in the audience were mimicking the dancers in hand and body movements, in tempo with the music. Some of the ladies looked like they couldn't walk a mile but with the Zumba music playing and guidance from the zumba team, I think they all lost at least a kilo. The musica was a mix of pop and Spanish merengue which was just so inviting. Now that the demo was done and the interest in ZUMBA soared and I now even know what it is, classes will be held at EXPO WP on a regular basis. The first will be held at the EXPO WP night market starting this Tuesday night from 7pm until 10pm in preparation for the Soccer World Cup.

Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at EXPO WP
So all those ladies and gents who has lapsed your gym membership because gym seemed a good idea at the time but wasn't any fun, come over to EXPO WP and join in the ZUMBA classes because ZUMBA looks like double fun. Bring your sweats and towel and a bottle of water, cause you going to need it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Winter is fast approaching and gloomy days lie ahead but the weather this weekend was really great. Starting Friday, the indoor soccer tournament took off with a blast, with major impetus from two new sponsors. EXPO WP is destined to become "the destination" for indoor soccer leading up to the Soccer World Cup and beyond. It's needless to say that even though Capetonians are more laid-back than their northern cousins, but they are definitely more hyped up about the Soccer World Cup. Inside EXPO WP main hall and outside you can constantly hear the sounds of the vuvuselas being blown, at times it sounds like a vuvusela sound-off, with many shoppers strolling the isles, clothed in Bafana Bafana colours and I have even seen some with a plastic Soccer World Cup helmets on their heads.

Besides the indoor soccer, virtually every weekend is filled with entertainment, with numerous singers gracing the EXPO WP stage with melodious songs and music. Just last weekend, Gino and Kaashief from Tica the Salsa Band, blew everyone away with musica en EspaƱol but this Sunday it was Megan's turn, to wow the audience and she did a really good job at that. The applause was phenomenal which in my opinion was rightly deserved. Megan very closely mimicked Whitney's singing with the song she sang.

Megan in her element, capturing the moment on stage.

Megan is young, pretty and very talented, with a voice of an "angel". Ye' ye' you might say, what an exaggerated claim, but you don't have to take my word for it, lets rather just look at the facts since I'm not the only one of that opinion. Megan attended an audition and was unanimously selected by a panel of 5 judges to represent South Africa at the launch of the Soccer World Cup and to sing at the opening. She was selected as the solo finalist from amongst 77 participants, all of whom auditioned for the part, but Megan came out tops. What an achievement, no? Yep, now you have to agree with me about her "angelic" voice. Yes (airpunch)! Megan will be making regular visits to EXPO WP to entertain the crowd, so if you would like to hear an angel sing, do come along to EXPO WP every weekend. Should you see her on National Television then at least you can say that you already heard and saw her before at EXPO WP. Megan is going to be a sensation but even before she becomes famous, many a fan has already requested to have a photo taken with her.

Megan posing with her fans.
Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at Expo WP

Megan posing with friends.
Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at Expo WP

Another singer who entertained the crowd at EXPO WP was young Cole. He is ten years old, sings like an adult with the moves of Michael Jackson and the songs to match. The first time I heard him, was when he sang "Ben" and he really did justice to the song. Apparently he sings numerous songs from various eras and Cole is a real joy to listen to. I've even heard a "lady at the EXPO" exclaiming "I want to take him home with me". That certainly has the makings of fame!

With all this excitement in the exhibition area, there was a Kareoke taking place in the food court, whilst shoppers were eating at their tables. Everyone was thrilled, and many a shopper part-took in the singing. EXPO WP really has it all, from GOOD FOOD to entertainment, to clothing, to photographs, to art, to curios and much, much more.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today, the weather wasn't on its best behavior, it was raining cats and dogs but inside EXPO WP most of the ladies walking about, were very comfortable, totally unconcerned with the weather conditions outside, all of them enjoying "Mother's Day". Yes, "Mother's day" is upon us once again and even though we do celebrate this occasion just for one day, each and every year, everyone knows full-well that  "Everyday is Mother's Day". This is exactly what the punchline of EXPO WP's advertising leaflet flaunted for "Mother's Day", promoting a special "Mother's Day" buffet, flanked by free gifts and spot prizes for "Lucky Moms" . Virtually everyone present  were exchanging mother day messages or rather mother's day messages and several sons and daughters were reciting mother day poems to their mothers.

Here we have an in-studio photograph of four generations posing, a mother sitting in the middle, with her mom on her right, and her mom's mom on her left.  Mother with daughter - a mothergrandmother and great grandmother, what a sight to see on  "Mother's day".

A beautiful threesome - A mother sitting along side her daughter and grand daughter on Mother's Day.

As part of "Mother's Day" celebrations, 10 Ladies were selected at random as they entered the EXPO and was offered a make-over each. These make-overs were essentially  hair touch-ups and a facial and a clothing item or two donated by a generous sponsor. These are just two of the "Lucky Ladies" who won a make-over each, and partook in mothers day pictures at studio photoshoot afterwards. Quanita's Hair Studio sponsored the 10 make-overs, Ming's sponsored 2 meal vouchers and management sponsored  2 breakfasts in Stellenbosch, but the grand prize of the day was "a one week getaway for 2 worth R5000.00".  Numerous other clothing vendors sponsored clothing items for the 10 winners and the first 100 ladies who arrived at the EXPO, each received a cup-cake and a chocolate from the "Ladies of the Expo".

Two ladies who each won a make-over, posing for their before and after pictures.
  Before & After photographs of two lucky ladies!
Those who really wanted to spoil their Moms for a day, were lining up to buy them gifts, EXPO WP had the best gift ideas ranging from Knitwear to African Design Clothing, to  Manicures and Pedicures, to Indian Head Massage and Bra Clips, to Fashion clothing and Ladies Leather Handbags, to  Gold, Silver & Costume Jewelry, to Abayahs  and  High Fashion Ladies Shoes & Boots, to Scarves and Salaah apparel, to Rakams  and Hair extensions, to Towels and Linen, to Cutlery and Crockery even Tupperware, to Leather Wallets and Purses, to mention but a few.

Beautiful bright and colourful African designed clothing and headgear.

In the minor hall at EXPO WP there were foot massages, back and shoulders massages and head massages and various other therapies taking place, with Holistic therapists from Holistic Cove and RA's Wellness Therapies giving moms a treat. Quanita's hairstylists were in full form and instantly transformed many a  Cinderella to  Princess.

Two ladies each receiving their Mother's day gift, The first having a foot massage and the second a hair-do.

A lucky mother getting a back Shiatsu back massage on Mother's day.
Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at the EXPO stall C49

Alongside them,  a new washing powder called TRI-AQUA, was launched  by Carlin who also vends a special BRA-CLIP. Ladies in general were chuffed about this nifty little gadget and were lining up to purchase at least one but more often two. The Washing powder sales took off like a rocket and within no time dozens of ladies were browsing the stalls with boxes of  TRI-AQUA clutched close to there hearts.

Beautiful Carli selling her wears and San Mari posing with her gifts she received for Mother'"s Day.

The table decorations looked lovely with a full set of highly polished stainless steel cutlery with fluted glassware, beside a  colour scheme of pink and white, with all the hostesses dressed in cerise and black. It looked like a masked ball or rather a fairy tale come to life, with bouquets abound.

A table laid with white crockery, silver cutlery and clear glasses each with a pick serviette turned into a cone.

There were flower bouquets, fruit, dried fruit and nut bouquets and chocolate & sweet baskets lined up on the tables along one side of the hall, but within a meter or so the long line shiny Stainless Steel Bain Mari's were filled with foods for the Buffet hosted by the "Ladies of the EXPO".

Dozens of Sweet and flower Bouquets for the "Lucky Moms" on Mother's Day.

There were hundreds of smiling faces, some with hair do's others showing lots and lots of “bling”, all of them completely happy, that they were being spoilt.  The foods were exquisite and the menu was fit for a king. There was lots of  food for food lovers and it looked like every one was having lunch at EXPO WP. The courses were Mutton curry with roti, Butternut soup, Roast Chicken and Roast Beef, White, Yellow & Savoury Rice, Baby Potatoes, Mixed Vegatables, Various Salads and Lasagne and lot more food than I can mention. The puddings were devine, and the milk tart wonderful, with lots of cup cakes covered in icing to match the pink and white colour scheme and plenty of  juice and coffee. Not only was the foods colourful but also very tasty.

The food at the "Mother's Day" celebration  wasn't the only attraction at the EXPO today. San Mari of the popular soapie 7de Laan was in attendance to take photographs alongside those mothers or fans who wanted a photograph by which to remember this "Mother's Day". PhotoJani  Photographic Studio was revamped in readiness for San Mari and ROTANA ANTIQUES supplied a two seater Antique Lounge for San Mari and subject to pose on for their portraits. Many of the vendors presented her with gifts but I  distinctly remember two, Biltong Box gave her a Basket of Biltong and Sadiqua's presented her with a “pinafore”.

San Mari posing with a fan at EXPO WP on Mother's day.
Photographs courtesy of PhotoJani Photographic Studios at the EXPO stall C49

But the men were not left out of the "Mother's Day" celebration. San Mari unveiled the latest Lexus IS-F on her arrival, she started the car and revved it, thrilling the men present, lighting up their faces with smiles and throwing them all into a bable with one another, many speculating ownership. Many dads and husbands posed for photos inside the Lexus, hoping to drive this luxury beast one day.  The car was beautiful and the posh interior had clean lines with plush leather and it was very spacious, but that was secondary to its 311kW 5.0-litre V8 engine, making the Lexus the new "Road Warrior."

San Mari unveiling the new Lexus with dozens of onlookers.

The  plasma screen built into the dash board flashed in unison with the audio system which was blaringly loud, inciting the fascinated husbands and dads to dance. There was supposed to be a car sound-off for husbands, dads and sons as well but due to the rain the event was postponed . This would have been  the second sound-off to take place at EXPO WP. I remember the last one, many dudes blew there speakers in the  competition and some dude with the smallest speakers walked away with the biggest prize.

Inside the main hall, San Mari trilled her fans and answered some of  their questions and thereafter the Spanish Salsa Band "Tica" was in attendance. They are "La mejor orquesta de salsa en esta cuidad". I simply loved them, the main singer Gino was really good, with excellent Spanish pronunciation, I could swear that he was a Spanish native, if I didn't know any better. But Kashief their guitarist was "mas excellente" and made his guitar do things I'm certain it doesn't always do. Ole, Tica, Ole!

Tica - The Spanish Salsa Band performing live at EXPO WP on Mother's Day.

It was really refreshing to see so many people completely un-phazed by the bad weather, but I suppose its because  EXPO WP is the biggest “Indoor Market” in the Western Cape where shoppers and vendors can trade without getting cold or wet.  "Mother's Day" at EXPO WP will certainly be remembered by many for many years to come, as the place with a difference, from which to buy that special mothers day gift or those special mothers day gifts, birthday gift or that wedding present or just that thank-you gift. But for the tourists there is Art, Craft, Curios and genuine South African cuisine and so much moreA special courier service is available to tourist who buy larger than life artifacts, they will oversee the transport of such goods to their respective country, quickly, efficiently and fully insured.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Friday eve was a superb Kareoke evening once again, with the regulars singing and entertaining those too self-conscious to sing. Some of the regulars were absent, since they went to Port Elizabeth for the event hosted by Miller's Media and Entertainment, but regardless of this, the Kareoke continued until the early hours of Saturday morning. Unfortunately, I was away for the daylight hours of Saturday but Radio station "Voice of the Cape" broadcast live for 3 hours at EXPO WP on Sunday afternoon with people and cars being the order of the day. VOC is a popular CAPE TOWN based radio station of community interest which share the EXPO WP demographic, that ran an advertising stint to popularize EXPO WP as the "Tourism and Traders market of choice".

Even though flea market browsing appeals to many, there is always the need to advertise in order to have a constant flow of shoppers in the stalls, thus it was decided to produce a booklet with collective vendor advertising to be distributed at two other local flea markets. The distributed booklets produced immediate results, ROTANA ANTIQUES sold some of their Egyptian furniture within hours of distribution, to clients who frequent these flea markets who especially came to EXPO WP because of this specific ad. PhotoJani also received a printing enquiry from the distribution of the booklets. As the old saying goes, "It Pays to Advertise".

I saw numerous people walking about in the main hall at EXPO WP with these advertising booklets in hand within hours of distribution. But unfortunately for them, they did not drop the Lucky Prize strip on the back cover of the booklet into the collection boxes at the entrances. This Prize in fact is a weekend getaway for two, which will be drawn on Sunday the 30th May. So for those who would like to stand a chance of winning this prize, they needs to do their bit. One could say, in order to win the "Lottery", one at least need to buy a ticket. So, go-on, fill in your phone number and drop the strip in the box.

This Saturday, even more people visited EXPO WP armed with their copy of the advertising booklet in hand. Many of them were just browsing, and it appeared that the recession is affecting everyone. It was very evident that shoppers have money but they are not speeding it as readily as vendors would like them to. Many shoppers were fascinated by the procession of coons that passed through all the isles blasting them with the sounds of the trumpets, trombones, bugles, clarinets, symbols, drums, tambourines and music in general.

However, there were approximately 75 vendors who contributed to the success of this booklet amongst whom are AFRASIA, and HIMALAYA, both of whom sell "powerful and potent African medicine". HOLISTIC COVE and RA's WELLNESS THERAPIES specialize in Holistic massages and HARA's HOLISTIC STORE  sells the "Nose Bidet" as discussed on Oprah.

Leather Goods are very popular as EXPO WP and range from Leather Hats & Caps to Jackets made of Cow hide. You can even get school shoes, sandals, leather belts and high fashion ladies handbags all made of Genuine LeatherBRAINY BRATS sells Educational books which is an absolute must for your kids or your sisters kids, or even the kid next door. For everyone else who love reading, YOUR BOOK has reading material for you at bargain prices. There are art shops, craft shops, cosmetic and Jewelry shops, clothing shops and cell phone shops. But these are not the only stores with marvelous goods, there are many more, so do yourself a favour and come visit EXPO WP when you come to CAPE TOWN.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Last night was Kereoke night at EXPO WP, and once again it was packed to capacity. From my point of view and I suppose yours too, a full-house is certainly a very good sign and a good hand at that. Talking about a good hand, lets clap a hearty-one for Kader from 'Miller's Media and Marketing Productions' for his Kareoke initiative and for giving “up-&-cumming” youngsters an opportunity to showcase their talent. The talent in question took the form of an 11 member brass band called "Jazz Addiction" and wow!... could they play Jazz. They had a full compliment of musicians and a young lady with a "Golden Voice" who set the tone for the evening, and what an evening it was indeed.

One could say that EXPO WP was setting a trend for week-end entertainment with lots to eat and drink as usual, with many familiar faces attending, along with some new faces or rather faces I haven't seen before. This kinda makes me sound like an old Kareoke-hollic but that's OK, because I go for the Coffee, and Man!... was the coffee good.? I would be inclined to say lets give Shaun from Craving Coffee a hand as well, for the brilliant coffee he makes which can be perfectly paired by a slice of cake from Ming's. Yes, once again in true Ming's style, a meal voucher was offered as the lucky prize which was in my opinion better than last week's prize, this was a "lunch voucher redeemable at anytime for 4".

The Kareoke performers sang songs from various eras, including some songs in "EspaƱol" ... sĆ­, ellos eran bueno. Y quiero decir gracious para todos las personal quen cantan, ustedes magnifico! Now, I view these singers in a renewed light of admiration. Many vendors in the main hall traded untill 20h00 and attended the Karoeke in order to witness first-hand 'this much spoken about Kareoke event'. By the smiles on their faces I could say they were impressed. Luigi once a again cracked a few old-jokes and wooed the crowd with his charismatic MC style who also held a donation/auction for a set of 1000 Watt 6x9 car speakers, generously sponsored by Preggy from Audio Zone. The proceeds of the auction was donated to the up-&-cumming brass band "Jazz Addiction" for their performance. So if you are bored at home, wondering what to do on a Friday evening you owe it to yourself to come visit. There are prizes to be won, people to meet, food to eat and songs to sing. Here, no-one is barred from singing regardless of their age and background because EXPO WP, really is the place to Be!


Just a few days ago a number of vendors decided to give their clients a treat during the month of May, by offering them special DISCOUNTS on products and services when they bring along a "Google Coupon", which they can printout in the comforts of their homes. This voucher / coupon can be found HERE!
Vouchers range from as little as 5% to as much as 25% and products and services ranging from Drivers License Photos from Photojani to Antique Furniture from Rotana Antiques  and many other products in between but too numerous to mention. A huge attraction currently at EXPO WP is, that Friday evenings is Kareoke evening with entrance absolutely free, but with a Discount meal voucher or two in your hand, it just becomes much more interesting to be there.

Why not just print out a stack of these vouchers an redeem them for these fabulous discounts from the relevant vendors and save yourself a bundle of cash. Triple S clothing at stall C9 is offering spot discounts on their exclusive ladies smart casual wear whilst Ra's Wellness Therapies at C73 is offering holistic treatments at a 25% discount for pensioners. Audio Zone is offering free installation af all car equipment bought from them at EXPO WP, etc ...

At Expo WP you can find discounts on Indian Head Rubs and other Holistic treatments, on Ayuvedic Medication, on Traditional African medicine, on Art, on Clothing, On Toys, on Books, on Crockery, Art Craft and Curios, on Hair Products on Food, in-fact there is very little if anything that cannot be discounted. This is so reminiscent of the Souks in Saudi were deals are concluded daily through bargaining, where a vendor will not sell, if his not making a fair profit and a client will not buy if not getting an absolute bargain. One could say a deal where both parties are ecstatic about their transaction or one could say a deal made in heaven. For coupons/vouches from meals to Antique Furniture go HERE!

Select a vendor or product that peaks your interest and click on the blue underlined heading. Wait for the vouchers to appear and if you would like Directions to EXPO WP, click on the word Directions (in Blue) at the top of the page, fill in your home or business address and generate a detailed map along with street directions to Expo WP. Now! .... you have absolutely no excuse not to come to EXPO WP.


Friday past marked the fourth "Jumu'ah" held at EXPO WP. The Management of EXPO WP in conjunction with Anglo Cape Carpets have provisioned “Salaah” facilities inside of Anglo Cape Carpets for “Jumu'ah”. Thus, is goes without saying that there's a plush carpet in the house. The resident Masjied is primarily used by vendors and staff both male and female but it is not exclusively for them and certainly available to all Muslims especially those working in the surrounding areas of Epping Cape Town South Africa and all  EXPO WP shoppers. Thus far, I have not been fortunate enough to attend Jumu'ah at the EXPO but those who were there report that the “Zaghma” was full, that the lectures were potent and the convenience of having a "Masjied" inside EXPO WP is rivalry.

I did have the opportunity to be there for a least one Waqt with "Jamaat" and my first impression was that is was very spacious. Not as large as your average Mosque but spacious. In fact, it is far more spacious than that of the famous Mall off the N1 Cape Town,  built next to the Canal where 1000's of Muslims flocked to every weekend. These “Muslims” owe it to themselves to come shop at EXPO WP if only to perform Namaaz in the latest and newest Mosque on the block. EXPO WP Masjied has Wudu facilities for both men and women is cordoned off for the privacy of women. Quite recently steps were taken towards installing a sound system since some equipment was donated by Preggy from Audio Zone. This Mosque is like any other where all equipment is “Waqf”, so for those who wish to donate someQurans”, please feel free to do so, some "Arkaam"of "Ayaat Al Quran" to adorn the walls would be appreciated. Currently there is a make shift “Mimbar” that will be upholstered in the near future and currently the visiting “Imams” who ledJumu'ah" thus far will do so on a continual and rotational bases, Insha-Allah.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Friday night past, was the first of many Kareoke parties to be hosted by Miller's Corn (Corn in a Cup), held in the food court at EXPO WP. I overheard the planning of this Kareoke just two days prior over lunch, inside the food court by a few food stall holders who speculating on its viability. The results were more than viable and the Kareoke was very well attended, in fact they had a full-house, with men and women representing all age groups within our society. Within the first half hour there was no more seating available and people were standing everywhere, even outside in the enclosed secure parking area.

On arrival, Miller's Corn presented each lady with a 'Gift Goodies Bags' or at least to the first 50 dudettes were lucky enough to each get a 'High Fashion Hessian & Bamboo' shopping bag and a 'Universal Cell Phone charger'. But this was not the only Freebies on offer, Ming's had a Lucky Draw and the winning dude won a 'Meal Voucher for 2' redeemable on any day. Besides that, Quanita's Hair Studio sponsored two 'Wash and Blow Vouchers' to two lucky dudettes and a third lady won a 'Manicure & Pedicure voucher'. The MC Luigi was hilarious and the quiz questions he posed was really funny with full participation from everyone. I'm almost certain that the laughter outstripped the volume of the music.

There was certainly more than enough to eat, from Ming's delicious mint-chocolate and cheese cakes for the sweet tooth, to 'Corn in a Cup'  for the more health conscious. There was real Coffee supplied by Craving Coffee and Waffles & Ice-cream from Waffle Mania and for those who wanted to eat, full meals were available from Moparks. Just the smell of their flame grilled Chicken made many mouths water and I doubt it very much if anyone could resist any of those treats available at EXPO WP. Kareoke is really not my scene, I especially went for the hot 'White Chocolate by Shaun of Craving coffee' but on arrival I was blown away by the talent of the singers and I must say, that I more than enjoyed it. The ladies were awesome with really magnificent voices but the dudes weren't going to be outdone, one of whom even gave me goose-bumps whilst I was listening to his powerful and melodious voice. However, little did I know that this wasn't just your average Kareoke but a talent search run my Miller's Media and Entertainment. Something like Pop Idols but with no age restrictions.

The vibe at EXPO-WP was really great and it was so reminiscent of a "ROADHOUSE" with people sitting in their cars enjoying meals or standing around in groups sipping coffee and smoking, all laughing and listening to the Kareoke artists with many of them even participating, patiently waiting for their turn at the Mic. Initially it was hard to say whether the "ROADHOUSE" was more popular than the Kareoke or if the Kareoke was more popular than the "ROADHOUSE"but judging by the amount of cars in the parking lot, I would have to say you need to come see for yourself, because at 1'o clock in the morning when I left, the cars were still streaming in steadily. With this response the Kareoke received on launch night, can you just imagine what will happen when the word gets out.. EXPOWP will soon have Night Market of Friday Evenings where Art, Craft Curios, Batiks and Ornaments may be bought at bargain prices, Photographs can be taken and you can get "that all important massage" to rid you of the past weeks tension.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

TOURISM & TRADERS EXPO | Tourism & Traders Expo

Tourism and Traders Expo is situated in Bofors Circle in Epping and is the Largest Art and Craft market in the Western Province called EXPO WP.  EXPO WP is a brand name but when I set up this blog, I registered it as WP EXPO, which from my point of view was contextually as well as grammatically correct. However after chatting the WP EXPO management I was informed that it should have been EXPO WP and not WP EXPO. Funny thing is, many of the WP EXPO vendors logged-on and search for WP EXPO, expecting to see their profiles but complained that there was no such site as WP EXPO. It seemed that everybody was under the same impression that I was -that it is WP EXPO rather than EXPO WP or at least aught to be. In order to appease management it became obligatory on me to rectify this situation hence this short piece of confusion about WP EXPO, sorry I meant EXPO WP. So there!

 As far as I'm concerned whether it is said WP EXPO or EXPO WP or written as WPEXPO or EXPO WP or even EXPO WP it shouldn't really matter because ingenious software tools can rectify the situation by sending the seeker to the correct website. So, if you interested in Art and Craft and possibly even the Soccer World Cup, go-on, Google WP EXPO and see if software is as intelligent as us humans. Talking about World Cup Soccer, Blush Media at EXPO WP  is the official supplier of Soccer World Cup parapanalia - S.A. Flags, S.A.Vuveselas, Funky helmets, T shirts, Ceramic mugs and hoards of other South African momentos.

Western Provice Expo (wpexpo) or Expo Western Province (expowp) which do you prefer?
Photojani Photographic Studios opened a studio in Expo WP and may be contacted on 0847458258.